Jewell Colonial Battle Squadron


The Jewell Battle Squadron is organized into four divisions - the Battle division, the Escort division, the Fighter division, and the Support division.

The Battle Division: Four Giimgekaruuka class Battleships form the Battle Division of the squadron. Their heavy firepower is the crux of the entire squadron's strength.

Giimgekaruuka Class BB-S436FJ4-D99909-99T99-0 MCr9,177.6 200 ktons
batteries bearing                R   W NX1XX              TL=15
batteries                        R   W YZ1ZZ              Crew=1,497
Fuel=90,000. EP=30,000. Agility=6. Cargo=1,000. Low=500. Troops=100.
X=32. Y=35. Z=50.

The Escort Division: To cover the deployment of the battleships, the squadron has a division of escort ships normally assigned to it. These four Aasgeer class Heavy Cruisersm six Khugelijaer class Destroyers, and twelve Lucifer class Destroyer Escorts carry enough firepower to cover the time necessary for the line of battle to form and can fend off smaller nuisance attacks when necessary.

Aasgeer Class     CR-P136HJ3-099909-99P99-0 MCr644,272.3 60 ktons
batteries bearing             7   5 A7076                TL=15
        batteries             F   A LF1FD                Crew=496
Fuel=28,200. EP=10,200. Agility=6. Cargo=1.

Khugelikaer Class DD-D156BJ2-000500-99009-0      MCr271.9 4 ktons
batteries bearing                   22  2                 TL=15
        batteries                   22  2                 Crew=45
Fuel=2,440. EP=440. Agility=6. Cargo=50.

Lucifer Class     DE-4446BJ2-C00000-06003-0       MCr320. 400 tons
batteries bearing                    1  2                 TL=15
        batteries                    1  2                 Crew=10
Fuel=20. EP=44. Agility=6.

The Fighter Division: The fighter division for this squadron is provided by three Antiama-class fleet carriers, and consists of 900 heavy fighters organized into 90 groups. These groups are commanded by the fighter coordinator aboard the carrier flagship. Fighters are used for long range patrols and reconnaissance within a system, allows the carrier advanced warning of enemy ships or bases. In addition, the fighters are expected to hold the screen against enemy vessels until the Riders are ready to begin battle.

Antiama Class FC-R4425J3-299909-99999-300 MCr51,922. 100 ktons
batteries bearing         B   1 B411Y                TL=15
        batteries         G   1 G511Z                Crew=4,054
Fuel=45,000. EP=5,000. Agility=2. Cargo=2,000. 300 Heavy Fighters.
Y=42. Z=60.

Sylean Class FH-0106N71-830000-20002-0 MCr105.23 50 tons
batteries bearing        3     1   1             TL=15
batteries                1     1   1             Crew=2
Fuel=11. EP=11. Agility=6.