CL-N136CH3-496609-999G9-0 MCr35,342.8 40 kton
bearing M 4 H94
batteries R 5 LA5
Fuel=16,800. EP=4,800. Agility=6.
Tonnage: | 40,000 tons (standard). 560,000 cubic meters. | |
Crew: | 34 officers. 375 ratings. | |
Performance: | Jump-3. 6-G. Power plant-12. 4,800 EP. Agility 6. | |
Electronics: | Model 8/fib computer | |
Hardpoints: | One spinal weapons mount. Ten 100-ton bays. Twenty 50-ton bays. Four hundred fifty hardpoints. | |
Armament: | Spinal mount meson gun (factor-G). Two hundred triple beam laser turrets organized into 20 batteries. Ten 50-ton fusion gun bays. Five 100-ton particle accelerator bays. Ten 50-ton missile bays. | |
Defenses: | Five 100-ton repulsor bays. Two hundred fifty triple sandcaster turrets organized into 25 batteries. Meson screen (factor-6). Nuclear Damper (factor-6). Armored hull (factor-4). | |
Craft: | Two 50-ton small craft. | |
Fuel Treatment: | Integral fuel scoops; on-board fuel treatment plant. | |
Cost: | MCr44,178.5 standard. MCr35,342.8 in quantity. | |
Construction Time: | 44 months singly; 29 months in quantity. |
Comments: The Dlevrrk-class light cruiser is a new Zhodani design, intended to support the heavy cruisers and to assist the battle fleet. Since it is one of the smallest type of vessels to mount a spinal mount weapon, it is normally deployed as part of the battle fleet.
Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.