Imkhu-class Battleship

       BB-S526FJ4-E99949-799T9-200 MCr1,078.7 200 ktons
batteries bearing          L   L LYY1Y                TL=15
batteries                  W   W WZZ1Z                Crew=1,760
Fuel=70,000. EP=30,000. Agility=6. Cargo=500. Purification Plant.
Y=32. Z=50.

Tonnage: 200,000 tons (standard). 2,800,000 cubic meters.
Crew: 128 officers, 1,632 ratings. 200 pilots.
Performance: Jump-2. 6-G. Power plant-15. 30,000 EP. Agility 6.
Electronics: Model 9/fib computer
Hardpoints: One spinal mount. Eighty 100-ton bays. One hundred 50-ton bays. Six hundred hardpoints.
Armament: One meson gun spinal mount (factor-T). Three hundred triple beam laser turrets organized into 30 batteries. Fifty 50-ton fusion gun bays. Fifty 100-ton particle accelerator bays. Fifty 50-ton missile bays.
Defenses: Thirty 100-ton repulsor bays. Three hundred triple sandcaster turrets organized into 30 batteries. Meson screen (factor-9). Nuclear damper (factor-9). Armored hull (factor-15).
Craft: 200 heavy fighters. Two launch tubes. Five small craft of up to 100-tons.
Fuel Treatment: No fuel scoops; on-board fuel treatment plant.
Cost: MCr1,198.6 standard. MCr1,078.7 in quantity.
Construction Time: 56 months singly; 44 months in quantity.

   Comments:     The Imkhu class battleship is an older design, originally intended to be part of the strategic Imperial defense force. This force was positioned along the Imperial frontier; it was thought that by having large warships at worlds along the frontier foreign argession could be virtually eliminated. However, this fleet proved to be costly to maintain and most has since been broken up for scrap. A few remnants remain in the volitile frontier sectors, serving as immediate defense warships.
    This classes low jump makes it difficult to deploy quickly and the Imkhu class are generally assigned to worlds believed to be worth invading. As a battleship, a squadron of Imkhu's is a formidable foe, capable of handling ships which outweight it considerably. This class also serves with some invasion fleets, using it's array of weponry to quickly reduce system and planetary defenses.