The Colibri class is an old Imperial design. It is now used in remote areas and in low threat regions as an Imperial patrol craft. It hasn't been in production since 1074. The typical age of ships still in service is approaching 50 years. A total of 452 ships has been built. As of 1100, 63 ships are still in service and 14 more placed as a reserve. the ship carries two 17-ton Bumblebee fighters.
TL 14
2,000 tons, 28,000 cubic meters.
Cone configuration
Jump-2 4g acceleration. Power plant-12 4 Agility
Model 6/fib computer
15 officers, 30 ratings
Hull armor-9
Meson screen (factor-4)
Nuclear Damper (factor-5)
4 triple beam laser turrets organized into 4 batteries
8 fusion gun turrets organized into 2 batteries
1 100-ton particle accelerator bays
2 triple missile turrets organized into 2 batteries
2 17-ton Bumblebee Fighters
1 tons of cargo
640 tons of fuel
240 EP
Integral fuel scoops
Fuel purification plant
0 low berths
30 months at MCr245.1928435 standard
24 months at MCr196.1542748 in quantity
Destroyer Escort DE-B224CF2-904500-36903-2
batteries bearing
This ship was acquired from the web and was designed using Book 5 High Guard rules.