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Tlaiowaha Subsector

    The furthest trailing subsector of the Aslan Hierate, the Tlaiowaha subsector enjoys good relations with their neighbors coreward and plentiful trade abounds. Travel to the Imperium can be accomplished by jump-2 vessels, making the trip easy and profitable.

Mainworld Hex SP UWP TL Base Trade Class PPG TZ Alg Remarks
Oiwoiieaw 1723 B 7878M7 13 Ri Tp 711 As
Asoieteal 1728 B 6976J8 10 R Ag Ni Tp 604 As
Camoran 1823 A 55167A 11 Ni Po 514 Cs
Keaih 1830 C AA18J7 9 Fl 202 As
Ohauair 1927 B 4223G8 9 T Lo Ni Po 214 As
Tlaiowaha 1928 B 1209L4 14 T Na Hi In Po De 411 A1
Khusai 2023 A 5766M5 12 R Ag Ni 724 As
Staha 2029 B 7554K6 14 R Lo Ni Tp 313 As
Asim 2123 B 867564 6 Ag Ni Tn 205 Na
Kteiroa 2125 C 4601K4 8 Lo Ni De 710 As
Torpoi 2221 B 55A77A 8 Wa 624 As
Drinax 2223 A 33645C 15 Lo Ni 714 Na
Tyokh 2226 B 466AH7 13 Hi 204 As
Iroioah 2227 B 6301G4 13 Lo Ni Po De 823 As
Hleakhayes 2229 E 4434K8 10 Lo Ni Po 812 As
Akoaft 2230 E 898000 0 Lo Ni Tp 231 R A9
Clarke 2322 B 899753 8 C:5 Tp 820 Na
Pourne 2324 A 982887 10 Ri 902 Na
The World 2327 E 100551 6 Ni Va 223 Na
Vorito 2329 E 595ABB 10 Hi In 105 Cs
Blue 2421 B 443487 12 Lo Ni Po 702 Na
Hilfer 2424 B A5077A 6 Po De 600 Na
Paal 2425 B 564679 6 Ag Ni Ri 603 Na
Sink 2426 D 665220 5 Lo Ni Tp 813 Na
Fantasy 2428 E 788400 2 Lo Ni Tp 331 Na

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.