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Sindal Subsector

    The Sindal subsector is the beginning step for traveling between the Imperium and the Floria League worlds or the Aslan Hierate. While most the worlds in this subsector are unnotable, the Theev system is currently an Amber Travel Zone because of the conflict occuring on the planet. Revolutionary forces which are attempting to obtain control of the system's government have turned this entire system into a major are of conflict.

Mainworld Hex SP UWP TL Base Trade Class PPG TZ Alg Remarks
Homestead 1715 D 560250 6 Lo Ni De 524 Na
Ace 1719 E 7A08B9 5 De 700 Na
Salif 1816 A 6236A6 10 Na Ni Po 301 Na
Number One 1818 C 9C6778 7 Fl 602 Na
Thebus 1919 B 534320 6 Lo Ni 823 Na
Noricum 2018 D 8867BB 1 Ag Ri Tp 804 Na
Oghma 2020 B 214754 9 Ic 404 Na
Dolberg 2113 B AC889D 11 Fl 300 Na
Vume 2115 B 100477 12 Lo Ni Va An 123 Na
Theev 2116 A 434500 15 Ni 934 A Na
Marduk 2120 C 377436 3 Lo Ni 503 Na
Albe 2211 A 540A98 14 Hi In Po De 213 Im
Realgar 2213 B 750444 10 Lo Ni Po De 303 Im
Palindrome 2216 B 433334 11 Lo Ni Po 502 Na
Borite 2219 E 655796 4 Ag Tp 703 Na
Chalchiutlicu 2314 B 76A787 7 Ri Wa 423 Na
Cordillon 2411 C 431210 12 Lo Ni Po 922 Im

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.