Viaplash Subsector

    The Viaplash subsector.

Name Hex UWP Base Trade Classification TZ PPG Alg Remarks
Edljaj 0101 E230877-6 De Na Po 704 Zh
Pietldopl 0102 B300466-9 Ni Va 822 Zh
Tlief 0107 E8B2967-7 Fl Hi 704 Zh
Viatlsha' 0108 B300456-9 Ni Va 103 Zh
Elpebrrts 0201 D543643-1 Z Ni Po 900 Zh
Niefbief 0204 C99A234-6 Lo Ni Wa 214 Zh
Chtaffranz 0209 C24659D-7 Z Ag Ni 602 Zh
Kedrsheflof 0304 A591497-C Ni Cp 505 Zh
Ilde 0306 E353010-6 Lo Ni Po 504 Zh
Chibljaj 0308 A856620-7 Z Ag Ni 404 Zh
Qedriat 0310 E593354-6 Lo Ni 713 Zh
Ajchtiets 0401 B5277BB-6 Z 322 Zh
Eviajdo' 0409 C689426-A Ni 203 Zh
Ezinsvle 0501 E778321-7 Lo Ni 514 Zh
Ikl 0502 B779300-C Z Lo Ni 703 Zh
Kren 0508 A51347A-D Z Ic Ni 804 Zh
Ventchtianzh 0509 E789677-3 Ni Ri 202 Zh
Shanienzh 0603 D788662-3 Z Ag Ni Ri 310 Zh
Vrons 0606 DAA3515-8 Z Fl Ni 720 Zh
Fiafrdle 0607 E569110-4 Lo Ni 302 Zh
Iazriekrqlia 0703 D510301-5 Z Lo Ni 414 Zh
Zhdrntsitl 0710 C98958B-7 Ni 521 Zh
Drensh 0804 D1009BA-9 Z Hi Na Va 400 Zh
Zdenshzdo' 0806 C9E37B8-9 Z Fl 821 Zh
Driabr 0808 D63A863-9 Z Wa 904 Zh
Vienchie 0810 C533264-7 Lo Ni Po 802 Zh

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.