Zhdapr Subsector

  The Zhdapr subsector.

Mainworld Hex UWP Bases Trade Codes TZ PPG Alg Remarks
Millard 0121 B262300-8 Lo Ni 405 Na
Bermuda 0124 A685443-C Ni 700 Dt
Hymir 0125 C313430-A M Ic Ni 303 Dt
Jared 0126 A523355-A M Lo Ni Po 924 Dt
Spilvan 0222 B364204-B M Lo Ni 914 Na
Bergstrom 0223 B200854-D Na Va 214 Na
Duluth 0226 AAD7473-A M Fl Ni 213 Dt
Chadwick 0229 C000158-B As Lo Ni 204 Dt
Lawson 0321 B100423-A M Ni Va 612 Na
Frimunt 0323 B542310-9 M Lo Ni Po 404 Na
Arttlyus 0325 A6858A8-B 512 Dt
Jewish 0326 A767464-8 M Ni 403 Dt
Huxtable 0329 C8A4599-5 Fl Ni 500 Dt
Palling 0330 B310899-8 M Na 513 Dt
Gralon 0423 A786564-A M Ag Ni 905 Na
Abelson 0429 B473126-7 Lo Ni 320 Na
Yefr 0521 D89A410-4 Z Ni Wa 400 Zh
Dadldredtleq 0522 D875103-5 Lo Ni 323 Zh
Shtied 0523 D1108AA-9 Z Na 714 Zh
Kro 0524 A78355A-C Ni 204 Na
Barfer 0529 A552347-9 Lo Ni Po 900 Na
Avrshenzh 0623 B878657-B Z Ag Ni 514 Zh
Darkseid 0629 A574679-A M Ag Ni 813 Na
Tliaflzdazo 0721 B879422-9 Ni 123 Zh
Zhitiajdekl 0724 D97A623-3 Z Ni Wa 810 Zh
Woderaw 0725 D476110-8 Lo Ni 114 Ta
Nintefl 0821 B346644-B Z Ag Ni 923 Zh
Ien 0822 B796320-9 Lo Ni 604 Zh
Qrechabliekr 0823 B669877-6 Z Ri 610 Zh
Drender 0827 E738654-4 Ni 915 Ta
De Swanland 0828 E779321-7 Lo Ni 813 Ta

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.