Kovr Subsector

  The Kovr subsector.

Mainworld Hex UWP Bases Trade Codes TZ PPG Alg Remarks
Branszhdadr 0915 B873538-9 Z Ni 113 Zh
Etliefr 0918 C523677-5 Z Na NiPo 603 Zh
Nablyele 0920 B428001-A Lo Ni 503 Zh
Plonshefe 1013 C452200-8 Lo Ni Po 922 Zh
Vadrshtient 1016 B320752-C De Na Po 924 Zh
Brietlkianj 1017 B345530-9 Z Ag Ni 101 Zh
Kel 1019 C634564-9 Z Ni 201 Zh
Fentiaz 1020 C777231-5 Lo Ni 102 Zh
Batl 1111 A9A6776-A Fl 621 Zh
Tlianz 1113 A959223-E Z Lo Ni 100 Zh
Anjzdaf 1114 A877556-B Z Ag Ni 220 Zh
Piaflraprso 1115 C503743-5 Ic Na Va 733 Zh
Dlrtsiepr 1119 B555764-7 Ag 903 Zh
Jdr' 1211 A979443-9 Z Ni 700 Zh
Zhat 1312 A554546-C Z Ag Ni 903 Zh
Dliebrab 1316 CAA5A62-8 Z Fl Hi 904 Zh
Latl 1319 B533542-C Ni Po 102 Zh
Kienzbe 1413 A551547-8 Ni Po 220 Zh
Jdiench 1415 CAE7730-6 Z Fl 814 Zh
Inch 1511 C200420-9 Ni Va 530 Zh
Stiepr 1614 C455514-6 Z Ag Ni 103 Zh
Zhonz 1617 C00088D-A Z As Na 603 Zh

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.