Fessor Subsector

  The Fessor subsector.

Mainworld Hex UWP Bases Trade Codes TZ PPG Alg Remarks
Stansh 2613 E475679-7 Ag Ni 924 Zh
Jianzie 2615 D300675-3 Na Ni Va 124 Zh
Pliabrbreshe 2714 D899566-3 Ni 600 Zh
Zhetlbriabr 2911 B325599-D Z Ni 700 Zh
Dredie 2912 B363378-A Z Lo Ni 800 Zh
Ezkribrabl 2913 D652459-5 Z Ni Po 404 Zh
Drots 3011 B33259E-C Z Ni Po 510 Zh
Kla 3012 B4647CB-6 Ag 404 Zh
Shinchbrez 3111 B51059A-A Z Ni 714 Zh
Syssota 3118 C9997AB-5 M 524 Na

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.