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Antra Subsector

    Filangger (2001) had hosted an Imperial resort before Vargr occupation. Secretly, the Imperium had also maintained weapons research outpost nearly equivalent to a research station, but this was purely military. It was fairly safe on the ocean bottom well away from any civilized habitats, but had nevertheless been evacuated when the Vargr came. To assure that the Vargr would gain nothing from the abandoned outpost, it was heavily bombarded by a taskforce that has forcibly made its way into the system.
    An unpredicted outcome of the bombardment was the shifting of a crustal plate which resulted in a subterranean outgassing. The gases caused a lowering of the planet's surface temperature. The seas froze and the former Waterworld became a Glacier world. All things being equal, this mini-Ice age should last another thousand years.
    The Vargr on Dzoungdzi (1802) had permitted a large and corrupt Corsair band to stash a munitions dump on their world. The corsairs had not told the people of Dzoungdzi that this dump would also have some chemical weapons as well. Imperial Intelligence had discovered the dump, but had no foreknowledge of the particularly insidious nature of some of the containers. The dump was bombed from orbit and the explosion resulted in a mildly unhealthy chemical taint in the planet's atmosphere.

Mainworld Hex SP UWP TL Base Trade Class PPG TZ Alg Remarks
Graek  1704 D 7879C7 4 Hi Tp 101 A Cs
Dunant  1706 B 311320 E S Lo Ni Ic 523 A Im
Remsen   1708 B 788676 9 S C:7 Ag Ni Ri Tp 524 Im
Uakari  1710 C 5348AA 6 912 Im
Dzoungdzi   1802 A 457353 E Lo Ni 624 V6
Cilnodan  1805 B 342221 9 Lo Ni Po 632 Im
Antra  1808 A 53789C E Cp 501 Im Subsector Capital
Syr Darya  1810 E 55769C 5 Ag Ni 922 Im
Noscius  1902 C 222201 7 Lo Ni Po 511 A V6
Fursuelgigz  1903 B 200787 8 Na Va 901 V6
Marnig  1904 E 241101 5 Lo Ni Po 301 V6
Ostov  1905 C 768532 6 Ag Ni Tp 422 Im
Uramid   1910 B 345568 A A Ag Ni 621 Im
Filangger  2001 A 76A654 C Ni Ri Wa 823 V6
Torrens  2105 C 100238 D Lo Ni Va 104 Im
Bangwe  2109 D 78A302 A Lo Ni Wa 112 Im
Gounuerz  2202 B 235330 A C Lo Ni 510 Va
Dofil  2204 E 59368B 5 C Ni 710 Va
Mazirbe  2210 D 5537A6 4 Po 124 Im
Malory  2309 C 320774 6 S Na Po De 223 Im
Tchien  2403 B 696266 A N Lo Ni Tp Mr 610 Cs
Gagaridir  2405 B 220310 A N Lo Ni Po De 201 Im
Insi Kar  2406 B 211454 B Lo Ni Ic 624 Im
Syrenaica  2407 C 669464 9 Lo Ni Tp 503 Im
Haggard  2409 C 777224 6 S Lo Ni Tn 613 Im

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.