Qriebl Subsector

    The Qriebl subsector.

Name Hex UWP Base Trade Classification TZ PPG Alg
Kianchtobl 2501 E5748CB-2 204 Zh
Akraz 2504 E484432-5 Ni 804 Zh
Kididisi 2509 B8B4433-A M Fl Ni 223 Hc
Kiaz 2601 C9A6656-7 Fl Ni 315 Zh
Ifrbivrshifr 2610 B64A767-8 Wa 504 Zh
Dlelchizda 2702 E767620-3 Ag Ni 512 Zh
Pliafradl 2801 D1009BD-8 Z Hi Na Va 524 Zh
Iazhaz 2809 B250731-7 De Po 803 Zh
Pov 2903 B40256B-B Ic Ni Va 724 Zh
Fash 2909 E67A300-8 Lo Ni Wa 705 Zh
Ezavflipr 3001 C43279E-6 Na Po 722 Zh
Iti 3002 A547367-C Z Lo Ni 801 Zh
Chaq 3006 A6589BE-9 Hi 222 Zh
Predlpletl 3010 A5546AC-A Z Ag Ni 312 Zh
Jdotliafl 3101 X65A545-5 Ni Wa R 110 Zh
Dimazh 3103 B78A555-A Z Ni Wa 614 Zh
Ekrniaadr 3106 D68978A-7 Z Ri 832 Zh
Qriebl 3201 A666463-D Z Ni Cp 401 Zh
Plechaka 3203 C210356-9 Z Lo Ni 713 Zh
Sirzhdiabr 3204 X4967B7-0 Ag R 413 Zh

    The sector listing contained in the following pages was created with Galaxy 2.4 by Jim Vassilakos, which is a public domain program. This program is very useful for many of the related tasks in creating subsector listings, maps, and planetary UPP information.

Portions of this material © Game Designer's Workshop, Marc Miller and other sources.