Wochiers Cruiser Squadron


The Wochiers Cruiser Squadron is organized into three divisions - the Cruiser division, the Escort division, and the Support division.

The Cruiser Division: Four Iidkaer class Light Cruisers form the Cruiser Division of the squadron. Their heavy firepower is the crux of the entire squadron's strength.

Iidkaer Class     Cl-L426FJ3-596600-70959-0 MCr2,478.5    25 ktons
batteries bearing         5     6 225                 TL=14
        batteries         A     C 55A                 Crew=244
Fuel=8,750. EP=3,750. Agility=6. Cargo=100.

The Escort Division: The escort squadron has the task of protecting the cruiser division from fighter and smaller ships' attacks. These six Chrysanthemum class Destroyer Escorts carry enough firepower to cover the cruiser division.

Chrysanthemum     DE-A4469J2-150000-05034-0 MCr729.18 1 ktons
batteries bearing             5      1 11             TL=15
        batteries             5      1 11             Crew=16
Fuel=490. EP=90. Agility=6. One Cutter.